Write Down the Revelation

Write Down the Revelation
(Written while incarcerated in 2001)
by Katie Souza

 “Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,
1 Timothy 2:1 (NKJV)

Only four weeks left before my calculated out date!

We had our first Bible study on getting a word from God!  It’s your word God, not mine.  I asked God when I would hear a word on my case; I heard, “The 7th.” Then to confirm It, without looking at the calendar, I asked the Lord to confirm it by telling me what day of the week it would fall on.  I heard “Wednes…”, well indeed the 7th of November falls on Wednesday! Now, I will ask Sherrie to pick a number.  If she says 7, it’s a 3rd confirmation (She didn’t do it).

This evening Delia gave me a word that I would be in for 56 months!

After hearing the word given to me last night by Delia about 56 months, it was hard to begin the day. I went to work with this going through my mind. I had on my new headphones and was listening to the share-a-thon. During the entire telethon they gave every example of faith, except the faith of the Roman officer about whom, Jesus said that He had never in all of Israel seen as great a faith.  I was amazed that they had not used that scripture reference in all the prior days of that program. The Roman officer understood the chain of authority.  The top rank tells the lower ranks to go and do this or that. I thought, “That’s God speaking to us, telling us what to do, and we take Him at his word.”  This was an example that had never been set before that time…an example of big faith.

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.”  Luke 1:37 (KJV)

I came back to the room and opened my Bible to Psalm 105:17-20. This scripture is talking about Joseph and how long it took before what he foretold from his dreams came to pass.  I relate to Joseph. I foretold of my release that I will stay in shackles of iron until the 21st of November. When the word the Lord gave me comes to pass, it will prove God gave it to me. Like for Joseph, the king sent and released him; the rulers of the people set him free. This scripture is my confirmation.

Last night, Sherrie told me that she asked God what was up – what was going to happen to me (she was also worried about the word about 56 months). She heard, “Something is going to happen on the 21st.”  She asked, “What is it God?”  He told her that is all she needs to know right now.  Then He said, “Sister Katie is going to be alright.”

Last night, I believe I had another gall bladder attack. I had a horrible stomach ache right before I was to give Bible study.  I knew it was an attack from the enemy. I gave Missy a private study at 7:00 pm, so she could go to her room and go to sleep. By 7:30 pm the stomach ache was completely gone!  God wanted this Bible study to happen!  The room was packed. There were more than 30 people there (more than had ever been before). Thank you God!

Yesterday (Friday), I wrote everything down that God had given me before I began to worry about the 56 months. Afterward, I got a peace and release that I can’t explain, and I haven’t worried since.  What happened?  Habakkuk 2 commands us to write down the revelation.  So, when I did, I was being obedient to God. There is something so wonderful about being obedient to God.  Our spirit isn’t in conflict with Him. My spirit man is not in contention, struggling against His will.  When we are in harmony with God, that brings us a peace that passes all understanding.  That in itself is another confirmation that what I “got” was from God.  Because if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t have that peace.

Saturday:  The party was so successful – lots of women, lots of worship, lots of food and gifts! Thank you Jesus!!  You are awesome, Lord.

The date of November 7th was huge for me. I was learning how to hear and trust God’s voice! Have you ever stepped out in faith and declared something improbable that God told you to do or say?  Did you write down the revelation? What happened; did your word come to pass? How did that feel? You will find out in future devotionals what happened to me. In the meantime, comment below about your experience!

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