The Unpacking Process

Lesson 18

My husband had a successful window company that went under when the ‘famine’ hit in 2008. In three months, the trades dried up. Robert was unemployed for almost two years. At one point, we were out of money and didn’t know what to do. My husband was saying, “Maybe we should do this, or that, or this…” Suddenly I went “SNAP! Hellooooo!” We don’t make decisions down here in this realm where we use our own reasoning from our limited human knowledge. We can only see what’s in front of us but God sees the past, present, and the future. He knows the path we are supposed to take. Demons are trying to tell us what to do down here. I needed to go up and find out Heaven’s perfect answer to the problem.

So, I ascended and suddenly Robert was up there with me! He strolled over and gave me that charming look. He had a safe and knew the combination, so he opened it up and there was a blue velvet pillow with a beautiful big diamond on it. I said, “What is that, Lord?” And He said, “It’s the provision I have for you!” So by faith I grabbed that diamond, came down and released it here in this realm. For the next week, whenever the Glory came into my house, I commanded it to manifest. I would speak into the Glory cloud – “I command that diamond to manifest!”

Soon afterward, my husband got a phone call from a company that he had not talked to in two years. They had a job for him. It was the largest job his company ever received and it only took them about four weeks to do and was worth $250,000. The secret things belong to God but the things revealed belong to us!

This is not a prosperity message; it is a provision message. God has provision for you that is in your homeland where you are a citizen and have the right to it. Because you are ‘seated in heavenly realms in Christ’ you can go up and get it. If He shows it to you it is because it is yours and He wants you to have it!

Let me tell you what that “diamond” did for us. It removed our debt, took care of his partners and employees and enabled us to live comfortably for over a year. The tool of ascending enabled me to get it. Robert knew the ‘combination’ to that safe, because he had the knowledge of how to do the job. God took a skill Robert had and used it to bless us.

You need to unpack what you see. Write down what you see, then go back into the trance and get another vision and repeat the process. Write down everything. Even if you see a raccoon crossing from left to right on a road! You might not think it makes sense, but take the time to unpack it by looking up raccoon and road in a regular dictionary and by doing a ‘key word’ search in your Bible. Look at the scriptures that come up about ‘the road’.

If I see a blue boat, I look up ‘blue’ and ‘boat’. The color blue in the Bible means ‘revelation’. I look up the word ‘boat’ in a regular dictionary and see what it means (even if I think I know, many times I am amazed at what I find). Here are some good tools: Wikipedia, Blue-letter, Strong’s Concordance, and Thayer’s Lexicon.

Unpack every little movie short or video you see. God is giving you instructions and the answer to your problems. You might think, “That is the goofiest vision I ever saw!! That can’t mean anything!!” The God of the universe just spoke to you while you were in Heaven. YOU need to take time to figure out what He said. When you do this, you will rid yourself of blockages, hindrances, and problems that are coming against you. One after the other you will erase them off your list!

This is how we have been able to grow so fast, so far. I took time to understand what God was saying to me using symbols. Why doesn’t God just speak plainly to us? We grow up and become mature in the unpacking process. One of the best ways to become supernatural is through the unpacking process! The more you look up, research, study and discover, the higher, more anointed, and wise you become. Then you will be able to unpack other people’s dreams and visions! You will become like Joseph and Daniel. Kings called for Daniel and adorned him with many rich robes and gifts because he could unpack any problem – even the ‘knottiest of problems.’

Receive by faith, this impartation to be able understand the things that you are going to see when you ascend into the heavens.

In the Name of Jesus, I am loosing upon you the interpretation anointing that this ministry carries to understand symbols, dreams, visions and the things of Heaven that you will see when you ascend. I loose the Joseph, Daniel and knotty problem anointing that we carry.

So, receive the impartation to understand the visions and things you see in the heavens so that you can unpack and move into them and see victory and breakthrough in your life.

In the Name of Jesus, I decree that you are receiving it now. Amen!

Now, take everything that you have learned and ascend into the heavenly realms and expect 2018 to be the most blessed and prosperous year ever!

Have you been blessed by this ministry? If so, consider Partnering with us or making a One Time Gift! Big Love, Katie

Showing 9 comments
  • Marily Joyner

    Hi Katie & friends who help share God’s wonderful healing revelations! I recently read “Healing the Wounded Soul” & it meant so much to me, I found your book on sale on & bought 10 more & gave as Christmas gifts to my family and friends writing a note inside the cover of each book about how much the book and it’s revelations meant to me. Thank you for sharing! You are very interesting & God has definitely anointed you! Plz pray for my family to find God’s love & healing as the history of addictions, anger, lies & stealing are definitely supernaturally unnatural.. God bless you & this wonderful ministry! Love, Marily Joyner

  • Karl Pior

    Hi Katie
    Thank you so much for the insite and blessings of going and getting what’s ours in the kingdom!!!
    I just say amen to your prayer for me and my family!!
    Thank you again blessings Karl

  • Kathy

    I have had a few dreams about my daughter that was killed four years ago. Actually it was one dream and a very strong feeling. I have told some of my fellow church people about them and nobody seems to have an idea. The first one gave me lots of joy and happiness the second one I was happy and confused.

    • Sabree Henry

      The Lord reveals all things through his word and your time alone with him. Sometimes we need to confirm interpretations meanings and direction and thabkfully the Lord is patient and available for continued clarity.

  • Sandra Mishler

    2019 and the Courts of Heaven — Everytime, I tried to write a current date in my journal or a check I would write 2019. When I realized that 19 represents the King’s Government, I understood that our Lord wanted us to bring aspects of his Realm into this realm. Thank you for talking about this.

  • David Trevisan


  • Cecille

    You are such a blessing! When will you be in Washington?

  • Tammy

    Thank you Katie, I’ve been following these and getting small beginnings. I’ve had a couple of people warn me that what I may be getting may not be from God but from the enemy. I’m trusting that it is God but those comments cast doubt. I’m not so good at testing what I’m getting I guess. Do you have any comments in regards to this.

    • Robert Souza

      Hello Tammy. It seems like the enemy has many ways of causing us to doubt and mistrust one another. The next time people warn you about someone else be sure an ask them what exactly do they find fault with? Ask them to be specific with you and to give you concrete examples of their concerns. That and of course always test all things by the Word of God! I hope this helps, have a very blessed new year!!

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