The Power of Praise

The Power of Prayer and Praise

by Katie Souza
(Taken from Katie’s Journal written in prison 2001)

“For God is not a God of disorder, but of peace…”  1 Corinthians 14:33 (BSB)

At prayer meeting today, I had a vision of myself and I was standing up praising God. So, instead of blowing it off, I stood up and started to praise Him. I didn’t feel anything, but I continued anyway. When I sat down, I saw the vision again so, I stood up and continued.  I still didn’t feel anything, but continued in obedience. I stopped worshipping to pray about legal paperwork then continued, and then I began to cry because I saw a white robe fall down upon me!  I knew that I had received a garment of praise from the Lord!  Wow! I also knew that I had to die to self while in the room with other people. I can’t worry about what anyone else thinks!

After prayer, I redid the lower right side of the floor. I clashed with Marnie again, but I still sang for everyone.

I told Mr. M. about my casino dream and how I believe we are going to win our appeal.  He said to ask God two questions, “God how do you feel about me?” and “God, what’s going on with my case?”  I haven’t asked God for a while what is up. I need an update!

Ron waxed the floor in the salad bar area and Marnie lost it!  I didn’t lose my cool; Ms L said that I passed another test.  At prayer meeting, I got hot and sweaty when I prayed for marriages (Holy Spirit)!  I prayed from Ephesians and some other scriptures.

Mom moved to new room in the hospital.  I called her and she and dad told me that the STATE CASE WAS DISMISSED! What a Mighty God!  Now I have oral arguments in the Federal Appeals court on September 13th.  The D.A. hasn’t even filed their brief yet.  Mr. M. told me to ask God what’s up with my case and I got an answer!

Agnes moved out. I had prayed that the Lord would cause increase. This is proof to me that the Lord will increase someone when I ask.

No church today as it is kid’s day.  I had a dream of a wind tunnel and a windstorm.  I was in a plane trying to take off.  Multi colored tunnels came down and formed a V in the sky. When it came at me, it dropped monkey/gorilla demons.  When I woke up, there was a windstorm going on. Then when I went to take my walk, the sky was multicolored like the V in my dream.

War – God is showing me the plans of the enemy in advance, so I can be ready. This is like He showed the enemy tactics to Elisha.  I struck the ground more than three times like the King of Israel did with Elisha.  It is the spirit of Almighty God that comes to us and gives us wisdom! Elisha knew the enemy general’s plans, even those he talked about in his very own bedroom! (2 Kings 6:8-23)

Miss V. was here today and the enemy tried to get us again. No way! I am fasting with Ms. L. for the floor crew, Miss V., and all of the C.O.’s in the kitchen.

Allen Temple came and ministered.  Incredible meeting.  We are so happy that the Lord has made us aware of the enemy’s plans, like He did Elisha. I buffed the floors, so I didn’t go to the meetings for the rest of the day.  Sister L. talked to Miss V. (she is not our boss. Mr. G is our boss!)  We are praying for our last Allen Temple meeting on Thursday. I am asking God what has this seminar done for me?

VICTORY – “… Stand firm and be deeply rooted in his love.  I pray that you and all of God’s people will understand what is called wide or long or high or deep.” Ephesians 3:17 – 18 (CEV)

At 12:30 prayer meeting, we practiced “My Place is With You” and “There is Somebody Out There”. Then, I walked three miles.  We are also fasting for choir.  After Spanish church, I gave Sister Constance a word from the Lord.

Hulda, my cellie, was crying all night long. I knew if I opened my mouth, I would blow it. So, the Lord put it on my heart to make her a prayer project. I prayed and prayed. I woke up and prayed for Hulda some more, (at breakfast and at work). Wow! She came home and said three people offered to fix her headphones today! She said she felt better. Wow, God is answering prayer fast!

When God gives you a thought or a vision, are you moving quickly to be obedient to what He is showing you, no matter who might be in the room, or what they might think about you?

Have you recently seen quick answers to your prayers?

Perhaps it would be helpful to study 2 Kings 6 and see how Elisha lived and operated in his calling. Then write out (like I did) whenever you see God move, even in the smallest ways.  Share about that below.

Have you been blessed by this ministry? If so, consider Partnering with us or making a One Time Gift! I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers!

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  • John Chandler

    My favorite story about the power of praise is from a couple years ago. I was putting new siding on a relative’s house when I cut my finger badly with a knife. As I grabbed my finger to stop the blood I heard God say “Give me praise”. ‘Thank you God for this nasty cut, praise you that it hurts so much, Thank you, praise you, bless you’ and so forth. After about half a minute I realized it didn’t hurt any more. I took my hand off to look and there was no cut, there was still blood but no cut. I was stunned. ‘You got my attention, I’m sold’ Praising is always my first response now and almost always leads to amazing results.

  • Hope Medlin

    It hasn’t even been a year since I walked out of the gate and Gods’ blessings just keep raining down upon me! God is so good. I am starting my own business. Got new jobs coming in everyday! I am a 56 year old woman who had been down awhile and when I put my trust in God and my expected end miracles started abounding. Just know that Jesus loves you so much. He is just waiting for you to surrender to him. I am living in a transitional home far away from family and friends but God has brought so many wonderful, God loving people into my life! When God introduced me to Katie Souza it changed my life for the best!!