The Leading of His Still Small Voice
by: Lalenunat Johnson
“ Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 AMPC
You know, there are times when the Lord will prompt us to do things that fall outside of our comfort zone. It might be to go over and say something to someone, or even to sew a financial seed at a time when you feel that you just really do not have it to give. Well, what about when He prompts you to sew your time, space, and commitment and it looks as if this just cannot be done? You think, “It’s just too much”.
I was recently faced with a decision, a serious and strong consideration. I had to decide if I would open my home, take in, and care for some children that were in need of care. They were family members who, if I did take in, would be moved out of foster care and placed with family.
Boy, did I hear the comments and thoughts of others. Some, who would not take them in themselves, would encourage me to do so. You have to do this. Speak it and call those children in to your home. Cancel any opposition, and so on and so forth. Easy for them to say. The commitment and responsibility would be on me, not on them.
Yet, others would say, “Are you sure you want to do this? You know your job requires you to travel some. You need to consider ministry at this point of your life. What if God sends your husband and you now have children to care for?” After all, my youngest was just around the corner of turning 22 years old, and I totally enjoyed my freedom to move about however I should choose.
So, my heart said, “Yes, these children need to be cared for. I can sit around and wait for someone else to do it or I could act.” But I also knew that I have to be free to move forward in ministry as the Lord leads. Where would the monies come from to care for them? Funds were already tight. “So, what are you gonna do?” I asked myself.
“And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire [a sound of gentle stillness and] a still, small voice.” 1 Kings 19:12
Finally, one morning while sitting at the table for our office morning prayer, a personal prayer stirred in my spirit. I was having a peaceful and quiet heart conversation with the Lord. I heard the softest, still, and quiet question, “How would you feel about the children coming to stay with you”. Instantly, my immediate, purest, and most genuine heartfelt reply was one of joy and happiness as I said, “I would love the opportunity for them to live with me for a season”. I can best describe it by saying that my heart smiled at the thought, I smiled, and I felt all warm and fuzzy inside!
Within seconds, my cell phone pinged and there was a message from the social services worker informing me that there had been a change in the children’s case! I called the worker just to find that the judge, worker, supervisors, and the children’s mom and dad had unanimously decided that the kids would be best served if placed in my home. They had approved an emergency placement and planned to have them in my care as soon as they could secure flights.
Yes, this was an out of state transfer which was even more amazing. They had decided to overlook any and all foster or other care options in the state where they resided and had legally assigned them to my care in Arizona. That was a Thursday morning and they were in my home by Monday!
To make the right decision, I had to look past all others’ thoughts and opinions. I had to look past the earthquake of the calls and comments I was inundated with. I had to ignore the fire of the imposed seriousness of not taking them and the equally important pressure of what could happen if I did not. I had to look past all of these thoughts and considerations and not lean on my own understanding, but get quiet and hear the still small voice – the leading of Holy Spirit.
Day one, I opened the door and they ran into my arms – such an awesome feeling that I will never forget. They have now been in my home for over 2 ½ months. In that time, they have grown so much and are developing their relationship with the Lord. One has even asked to be baptized! Although we have received no financial assistance from social services, the Lord has provided and they have wanted for nothing. Where the Lord guides, He provides!
Can you think of a time when you “leaned to your own understanding” taking matters into your own hands? How did that work out for you and what could you do differently next time?
What question or consideration are you facing right now? What decision are you grappling with that you need Holy Spirit’s guidance in?
Make a commitment today to seek the Lord’s guidance, share your area you are going to do this in below, then listen, and heed.
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I’m relying on the Lord concerning my current relationship with a man for whose salvation Im praying for.
I’m ready to make a commitment but I don’t want to do this relying on anything other than God and His Wisdom.
Yes, I felt the Lord directing me to the women’s ministry last night, but I registered a temperature of 38.3…so I stepped out in faith, and went against my better judgement…I felt I was simply obeying…when I returned from the meeting where the Lord touched 2 women in particular in a mighty way, I took my temperature and it was normal 36.7…I still have a hacking cough, but am trusting the Lord to pull me through! Praise you Jesus!
The message of the Lord Pastor Katie was right on time as always. This is helping me on a complete different matter on a medical problem that needs to be dealt with I need to give it to the Lord, let go of the fear of the what if’s and trust whatever He says. Please pray for me that I will have ears to hear and the grace to apply what the Spirit has to say to me and for His protection.
Wow, this is a timely word! I need Holy Spirit’s help and guidance in a lot of ways right now. I am in need of provisions and open doors in several areas of life that I’d rather not go into detail about..but He knows.
I need to hear from Him and get clarity to know what to focus on. I thank Him for this opportunity to trust Him and learn His voice more and lean on Him more. It’s true, He has all the answers already and that He’s not worried or surprised by any of this, and that He doesn’t want me to be either.
He’s a good Father and Provider. I need Him.
Thank you for sharing! God bless you!
Shalom Katie, i have been working for an Indian guy for now 9 years as a Branch manager for the past 6 year i have been very busy but our goverment introduced RAILWAY HAULAGE and the cargo i used to handle was transferred to another City making reducing my responsibility, though he don’t want to transfer me to that City and also myself i don’t feel like going there, i feel i need to get into business which i can, and the good thing it is the same thing but i will be doing it on my own as my boss has been very rough with me now that am not busy he always has something to make noise to me but i thank God for the holy spirit cause though it is traumatizing me i am at peace, my prayer is if this is the way to God and if God will go with Me, the reason i am asking this is cause i have engaged into business which i am not familiar with and they end up not being fruitful but i need your prayer too and word of wisdom as i wait on the Still Small Voice..
thank-you so much for being my mentor and a good friend.. i have learnt a lot from you i dream with you about healing of soul and one day God told me in the morning Hours that the only thing remaining was to KNOW CHRIST AND THE POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION..
God bless you and may he pour more revelation to you and also to us so as we can leave the life he called us to live..
Thank you Lalenunat. It’s good to read now and again that Katie’s team also battles normal life. I tend to imagine they are surrounded with super spiritual giants all the time so to read that someone can give negative advice like “what if your husband comes along?” is eye opening. I’ve had this when making a major decision. Good job we can have a ‘witness’ inside.