The Ark of the Covenant

Lesson 4

We were about to cross the Jordon River with Joshua and the Israelites, when time and space ran out on me last week. How rude of them! I’m sure we have all been in that place a time or two. Now we have the entire page, so let’s get started. Joshua chapter three is on auto play in our rooms at night, and we are listening to the story of how God brought the entire nation of Israel into the Promised Land across a barrier that was, for all intents and purposes, not crossable.

The Jordan is at full flood stage, the men have all just been circumcised (ouch), they have all of their belongings, women, children, and animals; the whole nine yards. It is a major endeavor. Only God would do this, because only God could do this. But…He has a deeper plan. Remember, He likes to do things in layers, like an onion. At first glance it is just God showing off a little, and finally letting the people move into their promise. Then we look a little deeper.

Let’s jump over to James 1:20-22 (KJV) and have a look. “…get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, and in a humble (gentle, modest) spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted [in your hearts] contains the power to save your souls. The word save here is the word sozo. It does not just mean to be saved through salvation in Christ i.e., your born again experience with God, it also means to save, keep safe and sound, to rescue from danger or destruction, and to save a suffering one from perishing, as one suffering from disease. It means to make well, heal, and restore to health. This is always God’s goal. He is all in, all the time. Amazing!

Joshua is taking his people into a new future. A future only God can secure. Joshua is a type, or representation of Jesus. Jeshua. They even have the same name. Coincidence? I think not. Jesus is the ultimate healer of our soul. He did it all for us, and He provides a way. Many times God has people walk things out in the natural to symbolize what they were walking out in the spirit. So what was happening in the spirit as the Israelites were crossing the river Jordon in the natural? I believe from the language of scripture that they were getting healed in their souls of centuries of woundedness that came in their desert crossing and their 400 years in slavery. I believe from what this chapter indicates that they were actually getting healed of every single wound that that went back in their family bloodline all the way back to Adam and the original sin. God was not just providing a way across the river. He was providing total Soul Healing for the entire nation for all generations going back to Adam, and going forward for generations for those who crossed over!

God always provides for His people. Noah had an ark, and so did Joshua. One ark carried people, the other carried the covenant, and the promise of the covenant to come through Christ. “…Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth is crossing over before you into the Jordan” Joshua 3:11 (NKJV). It was the Ark of the Covenant that made it all possible. It was, and is Jesus. The ark was specifically built to represent Christ. It was Christ who was going before the people and making a way for them to cross over into the Promised Land. I am going to explain this further next week, but again, time and space… Love Katie

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  • Valerie Young

    Katie, thank you so much for this teaching. You pull together things that support healing of the soul so nicely.
    It totally makes sense to me. Thank you.

  • April Gold

    You are an amazing teacher
    I look forward to your blogs
    I love the way you bring scriptures to life
    Thank you for your faithfulness

  • Sue

    I LOVE these blog posts.

  • Pamela Joy Dandley

    Makes me think of Deut 31:8
    The Lord my God goes before me he will fight for me

  • Teresa Rose Guzman

    Time and space always gives room for anticipation! This mind blowing revelation is a reminder that Jesus is almighty so wonderfully equipped to lead his people even through the tough circumstances the endurance of the journey isn’t the focal it’s the strength we inherit from his path that led them this far! Can hardly wait till next blog!

  • Kathy Pleyte

    Thank you for this blog. Love Kaie’s teachings.

  • Beverly

    Started reading your Post after listen to your 1000 fold return and give a gift of $100.00 wait to see that 111 that you kept seeing. I am a faithful tithe for many many year and offerings. I got saved when I was 19 yr. old have been study the word for 56 yrs. I love your revelation on the soul healing and I had a lot of pain in my lower back from a car accident so I Command my soul to heal and the pain left. I have study something similar to this teaching about Dumanis power but this is revelation from our Lord is wonderful. I help teach in a woman’s pray group there is about 20 of us that meet every week and pray for the needs of our people and we have a pray chain to call for pray to. We pray for our President and this Nation & Israel and the Jewish people, my grandmother was Jewish too. I will be taken these Post and sharing them with the ladies to teach a deeper walk in our Lord and this wonderful Revelation. Thank you so much Katie.

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