Write Down the Revelation

Write Down the Revelation (Written while incarcerated in 2001) by Katie Souza  “Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all [...]

The Great Reversal

The Great Reversal by Jean Mulquin “Then Peter chimed in, ‘We left everything and followed you. What do we get out of it?’ Jesus replied, ‘Yes, you have followed me. In [...]

Possess Your Soul

Lesson 14 In sports, they say the best defense is a good offense. I don’t know about that. Sports bore me. I’m thankful the hubby doesn’t care about them either. But, think about that saying. In [...]

Slaying the Giants in Your Soul

Lesson 13 This week, I am taking time out from the soul-healing series to share an exciting new teaching. Right up front, I want you to know it will challenge you. When I first received the [...]

Until God

Just keep doing what you are doing it is so true I was abused as a child and was very sick in and out of the hospitals 3-4 times a week UNTIL GOD healed my soul and helped me forgive. And I have [...]

An Offended Generation

Lesson 12 In this series of lessons, we are learning about the soul and how it becomes wounded through sin and trauma. Once the soul has wounds, it can affect every single area of your life, from [...]

Change the World

Lesson 11 Jesus said, “The prince of this world’s coming but he has nothing in me that’s in common with him so he has no power over me.” John 14:30. Naturally, I hear from [...]

Boot Camp Challenge

Lesson 10 It takes people that are healed in their souls to change a region. In the case chronicled in Mark, chapter 5, it only took one man, Jesus Christ, to drive out a regional spirit. He [...]

The Region of Legion

Lesson 9 A pastor friend acquired a building for his church family. They had outgrown the place where they met and this building seemed like a great opportunity. It was, actually. But, as my [...]

Faith Rising

Lesson 8 Jesus is able to heal you. You have to allow it. Everything I’ve shared is true. I’ve witnessed many miracles. Some are quick. Others take time. I’ve had instant miracles in my life; [...]