Angelic Help from Mr. Green

Angelic Help from Mr. Green By Jean Mulquin   “Be ready with a meal or a bed when it’s needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it!” Hebrews 13:2 [...]

Offended Much?

Offended Much? By Nancy Ermert “This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men.” Acts 24:16 (NKJV) In 2018, I was heading up hospitality for a Women [...]

Building Your Faith- Journal!

Build your Faith – Journal! by Katie Souza (Taken from Katie’s Journal written in prison 2001) In the unit prayer group today, we studied about the new wine, and God gave me this scripture: “I [...]

Appointed to Pray

Appointed to Pray by Katie Souza (Taken from Katie’s Journal written in prison 2001) “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer [...]

Rely on Holy Spirit

While We Wait We all love times of prophetic fulfillment, don’t we? We love to see our promises come to pass, but there is a “process of time” before the promise and that means we have to wait [...]

Victorious Living!

Victorious Living- We are made for worship! True worship. From the beginning, the enemy has worked to pollute pure worship with idolatry, and his tactics really haven’t changed much, have they? [...]

Soul Check!

The Question of Comfort Why do we even turn to idols? Usually we end up there because we are seeking comfort, trying to meet a right need in a wrong way. Think about it! We bow to idols because [...]

Cling to Christ!

A Divided Heart Leads To Spiritual Robbery God desires and requires our whole-hearted devotion—no idols and no other loves. Having a divided heart will affect you in distinct ways, robbing you of [...]

The Holiest Trade of All

Lesson 12 Last time we established that the king of Assyria is the strongman over every idol. This evil king is attached to our soul, and he takes us to court. How is he attached to your soul? [...]

Mysteries and Secrets

Lesson 21 I teach about Legion to get people’s faith up. I use the ice and hail in my meetings and people don’t even realize it. As I’m teaching, people begin to understand, “Oh wow. [...]