Write Down the Revelation

Write Down the Revelation (Written while incarcerated in 2001) by Katie Souza  “Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all [...]

“Christian Katie”

Christian Katie Written by Katie Souza while incarcerated in 2001 I went to commissary and then laid down on the grass for the express purpose of talking with the Father.  As I lay there, I [...]

The Great Reversal

The Great Reversal by Jean Mulquin “Then Peter chimed in, ‘We left everything and followed you. What do we get out of it?’ Jesus replied, ‘Yes, you have followed me. In [...]

Overcoming Mistakes

Overcoming Mistakes by Dustin Williams Nobody is immune to making mistakes, except maybe my wife… Of course, I am kidding! I can hear my wife reading this out loud, stopping, and saying to me, [...]

Letter of Discipleship

Letter of Discipleship by Anna Snow Dear Friend, I want to welcome you first-hand into the family of God. You have made the best decision of your life, by accepting Jesus as your personal Savior. [...]

Fasting is Hard Sometimes

Fasting is Hard Sometimes (written while incarcerated in 2001) by Katie Souza   “If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (CEV) We had [...]

The Wounded Soul – Explanation

Out of Sight, But Not Out of Mind- Can you imagine having a gaping, painful, perhaps even a life-threatening wound, and just ignoring it? No way! It would be insane to even consider walking [...]

Breakthrough Activation

Lesson 20 We’re going to do what we like to call a super soak. Soaking will help you press into your healing. Spending time in the presence of Jesus, soaking your soul and identifying the [...]

Snow and Hail

Lesson 18 I’m going to share with you secret strategies, that I’ve received from the Holy Spirit, on how to deal with Legion. I’ve been using these strategies behind the scenes, [...]

Communion Activation

Lesson 17 Now, I’d like for you to take communion as I activate. So, you may want to pause right now and go get lots of communion supplies – a big hunk of bread or some crackers and grape juice. [...]