Soul Decrees Lesson 15

The Apostle Paul writes, “And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another …” (2 Corinthians 3:18).
There are three reasons why I know that the glory of God heals.

1. It says so in scripture.
2. I have experienced it myself. It’s not a theory to me. It’s reality.
3. I have seen thousands of other people being healed in their physical bodies and every area of their lives when their souls were healed in the glory.
Bringing the Glory of God
How do you get the glory to come? The answer is that the glory of God comes from both inside and outside of you. Let me explain.

In this passage, Paul is not speaking about our spirits being progressively healed from glory to glory. Our spirits are transformed and made perfect in an instant. He is referring to our souls being healed step by step through the power of God’s glory.

First, believe it or not, you already possess the glory of God! In John 17:22 Jesus says, “I have given to them the glory and honor which You have given Me, that they may be one [even] as We are one.”

This means that Jesus has already given us His glory! Just like dunamis, it lives inside our born-again, perfected spirit man! You already have a tank full of glory. Now you just need to use it. You can command the glory that is in your spirit man to flow into the wounded parts of your soul to cause you to be transformed into His image and His likeness.

God’s glory also will come to you externally when you are caught up in worship, and pressing in to get closer to Him. As you praise Him and exalt His name, you will feel His presence increasing. It’s during those moments that your soul will and refuge under the shadow of His wings.

It can happen anywhere. It could be that you’re praising Him in church on a Sunday morning when the glory falls. Or it could happen while you’re listening to praise music and cleaning the house. Or perhaps you’re worshiping Him in your car while you’re on the way to work and you suddenly realize that He’s in the car with you!

There’s exhilaration when the glory comes, a divine dizziness that feels very much like the light-headed feeling you get when you fall in love. The glory will also cause your mind to be quiet. Suddenly, all that mind noise and demonic chatter will cease. There is also a weight that accompanies the arrival of the glory. The root of the word “glory” in Hebrew is the word Kabod. It actually means “weighty”.

Sometimes your shoulders might feel a weight on them when the glory comes. Other times, it will be so heavy that you can’t get up from the floor. You might even feel an overwhelming urge to go to sleep. Don’t worry. It’s not the devil. It’s the Lord putting you in a place of deep rest so He can heal your soul. In that moment, God is there with healing for your inner man. Don’t let the moment pass. Remind yourself, “ The glory is here and my soul is getting healed right now. I decree it!”

I decree…the Lord is putting me in a place of deep rest so He can heal my soul and healing my inner man. The glory is here and my soul is getting healed right now!
I decree…God’s glory has come to me while I am caught up in worship, and pressing in to get closer to Him. As I praise Him and exalt His name, I feel your presence increasing.

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