Snow and Hail

Lesson 18

I’m going to share with you secret strategies, that I’ve received from the Holy Spirit, on how to deal with Legion. I’ve been using these strategies behind the scenes, because I wanted to make sure these biblical precepts were going to produce fruit, and they have. I’ve seen thousands of people healed of the spirit of Legion.

The first lesson I learned was to get healed of my tombs, so I had nothing in common with Legion. So, he had no power over me. Then God began to show me other things that I have not openly talked about until now.

God gave me the snow and hail to fight the spirit of Legion! I would get my tombs healed, but still had a hard time getting Legion to leave. As I prayed about this, I had a vision. I saw myself sitting glumly on a curb, just waiting for something to happen, when an angel in an ice truck came roaring up, screeched to a halt next to me, rolled down the window, threw a bag of ice at me, and then pealed out! I looked at that bag of ice, and I heard Holy Spirit say, “That looks like hail, doesn’t it?”

So, I started looking at ice, hail, and snow scriptures and found that God used the snow and the hail repeatedly to defeat our enemies! A great example is in Joshua 10 where Joshua is fighting in Gibeon. He travels all night to try to take the Amorites by surprise, and came upon them with a mighty slaughter. In the middle of this fight huge hailstones came from the sky, killing more Amorites than were killed by the sword.
The Bible doesn’t say that hailstones killed any Israelite soldiers. Wow! The hailstones had GPS in them that were assigned to each enemy soldier, but none harmed the Israelites! God used the hail to defeat Joshua’s enemies. That’s quite a weapon!

Job 38: 22-23 (AMPC) shows us where the hail originates from and for what purpose. “Have you entered the treasures of snow, or have you seen the treasuries of hail, which I have reserved for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war?” There’s a supernatural weapon in the heavens called the snow and the hail – a treasury in heaven that’s available to us for a specific purpose, for the time of trouble. It is for the day we are battling or making war. When Joshua was fighting his enemies, the hail came from that treasury in heaven.

When the angel appeared in my vision, he was telling me that from that moment on, I had access to that treasury. I’m now able to supernaturally go into the treasury and release hail and snow whenever I need it. Some might say, “Whoa, you’re going to go out there and call down the hail, and it’s going to come down in the natural?” Well, I’ve actually had hail manifest in the natural, but I’m saying that in the realm of the supernatural, these hailstones are available to us. Remember, the unseen realm is more real than this realm, since this realm is created from that unseen realm.

Let’s look at one of the plagues on Egypt in Exodus 9:18-25 (AMPC). “Behold, tomorrow about this time, I will cause it to rain a heavy and dreadful fall of hail, such as has not been in Egypt from its founding until now. Send therefore now and gather your cattle in hastily, and all that you have in the field, for every man and beast that is in the field and is not brought home shall be struck by the hail and shall die. Then he who feared the word of the Lord among the servants of Pharaoh made his servants and his livestock flee into the houses and shelters. And he who ignored the word of the Lord left his servants and his livestock in the field. The Lord said to Moses, ‘Stretch forth your hand towards the heavens, (When he stretched out his hand towards heaven, he is prophetically reaching towards the treasury of snow and hail that’s reserved for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war) that there may be hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man and beast, and upon all the vegetation of the field, throughout the land of Egypt.’ Then Moses stretched forth his rod toward the heavens, and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and fire (lightning) ran down to and along the ground, and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Egypt. So there was hail, and fire flashing continually in the midst of the weighty hail, such as had not been in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation. The hail struck down throughout all the land of Egypt everything that was in the field, both man and beast; and the hail beat down all the vegetation of the field and shattered every tree of the field.”

God used the hail against the Egyptian gods, punished the Egyptians for worshiping those gods, and they finally let Israel go!

Next time, I will share even more amazing scriptures with you about how God used snow and hail. I know you will want full understanding of this powerful gift!

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Showing 9 comments
  • Lawson

    Spot on Katie! I have soaked to this revelation in your Bent 2 soak album. Our Good Lord continually bless you and your ministry, for setting captives free #Shalom

  • Jacob


  • Teresa

    In Agreement with your revolutionary message here! Many Blessings to all who connects by faith to receive from on high! Katie your ministry is phenomenal! Love it!

  • kembabazi Edith

    I find so much wisdom in you Katie all the love to you from Uganda .I pray for our father in heaven to bring me closer to you for proper mentorship I l love you and your ministryl

  • Alex mukamba Akende

    This is powerful and I need to know and understand this more from you Katie. These are secrets truly hidden from the naked eye. Help me lord. Amen

  • Patricia Rogers

    Katie i thank you for this revelation knowledge of the word of god about the snow and the hail. I will what you taught me and put it into practice and bare fruit love ya! P.Rogers

  • Cindy

    Amen Katie! I recently learned that the Lord removed satan and his angels with lightning from the Third Heaven too. Please teach us more!

  • Assunta

    Thank you Katie for this revelation of the word on the snow and Hail. Powerful.!!!!

  • Velinda Rutherford

    Good morning.. As I read the blog about the treasury of snow and hail, I went to the scripture, read them, but uncontrollable tears just poured down my face. I know this teaching is from God. It is given until us to know the mysteries and secrets of Heaven. This was so Amazing.,,Praise God.!!