Katie coming to hear you preach recently in Telford, PA has been the last leg of the journey to crossing over to my promised land. Thank you so much for your powerful teachings. I am not even sure where to begin with this testimony but I will try to make it as short as possible even thought the Lord did so much over this weekend. Friday when you spoke on serpents I was so thankful for such a revelatory teaching. At the end during activation my friend saw a snake in my abdomen. She said it had diamonds/triangle on its back with a black head. She pulled it out and cast it into the fire. After that I spoke to you and told you about having chemo in the morning and beforehand the doctor saying he didn’t feel it anymore. He said there was fibrous tissue there but he didn’t feel cancer. You went to pray and the Lord said it was gone. Praise the Lord. You suggested I stop chemo and said it would take faith but also that I needed peace as to what to do. When I walked away I felt like I was to continue to finish it out because I couldn’t find peace and I was wrestling with what people would be saying. I just asked Father what He wanted. I went to bed that night and listened to “Set a Fire” over and over. I slept five hours without dreaming (I dream nonstop) and without getting up to go to the bathroom which after having chemo and the fluids they put in I’m usually up every hour. Saturday I came back to hear you preach again. You prayed for people with eye issues and I said Father I don’t want to even have to wear readers anymore so I”m going to sit here and receive 20/20 vision back. I testified that night that I could read the back of the CD cover without my glasses and today I was able to read directions on the back of something I would normally have to wear glasses for without them. Praise the Lord. You then called on the name Karen. Three of us were in the crowd. You prayed over me and broke a stronghold off me. You never mentioned what the stronghold was but I believe it has to do with reasoning and trying to figure out how and when God is bringing forth reconciliation in my marriage. When you preached on legion again that was what I have been dwelling on. Not on what has happened in the past as much as the questioning of what is to come. A thought came to my mind and I quickly said no I will not be a tomb dweller, I have dunamin power and excellence of spirit and it was gone. The water in my nose and throat started to flow. While we were all up for worship a gentlemen laid his hand on my shoulder and he was praying power and fire over me and the fire came so strong. And my breast started to hurt. Prior to this I prayed that the fiberous tissue would be completely removed and that my breast would be restored to its original form. I was standing next to Heidi and said Wow my breast hurts and I’m on fire. She asked me to share this testimony – so I am. This morning I checked my breast and I do not feel the fiberous tissue anymore and I have a complete peace in ending the chemo treatments. I cried and cried with gratitude and joy. I also don’t have side effects like I did in the past other treatments. When you asked us to ask Holy Spirit for a scripture I was like well Father you just gave me Psalms 126 two weeks ago so that must be it. No He gave me Isaiah 55. I didn’t read it until I got home and I was blown away. I listened to it a few times but didn’t know how to have it play throughout the night so I again put “Set a Fire” on repeat and went to sleep. At a little after 3 I heard you ask me “where are you from” I answered Philadelphia. Then I fell back asleep. I woke again at 6:00 am and I had a vision of a crocodile scareying away into a brush with rock and tree. Leviathan gone. Leviathan has so much to do with trying to destroy my marriage. A little while later I saw you coming toward me to say something but then you were so close and my ear was on fire. I knew it was the anointing. I kind of felt like that is weird maybe even creepy in a stalky kind of way but hey God does things His way not ours. Another thing that happened during the service was someone gave me your soaking cd set as a gift. Someone I didn’t know blessed me with it. And the best part of it is the crossing the Jordan CD. A little over two weeks ago I saw in a vision the words “Its Almost There”. I had a dream two weeks ago and Holy Spirit gave me revelation of it just this week. I was driving on a particular road called Ridge Pike in my area. There was a bar and so much destruction and chaos went on in this bar. As I approached there were insane people and police everywhere. Knives, guns, weapons and no order. I was questioning why the authority would allow this bar to stay open. I kept driving in the right lane even though cars were coming out me and chaos was all over the street. I woke up. When Father started to reveal it to me He did it in a conversation of asking me questions. He asked me about the questioning of the authority and said you are always questioning me but you are staying in the right lane and getting through unharmed. He then said what is at the end of that part of the road. The cross street is Joshua Road. WOW! I was blown away again. He then asked where did the dream end. It ended when I was “almost there” So the first CD I listened to over and over today was the crossing the Jordan CD and it is completing the healing work the Lord has been doing this year. Thank you Katie for your faithfulness, your teaching and preaching and for helping me into the promised land. Many blessings to you. Your sister In Christ. -K. M.
Crossing into your promised land CD where can I get this two disk set. Will you provide a website link (URL)