Kingdom Of The Son Audio (CD)
This foundational teaching explains how the numerous idols we intentionally or even unintentionally have set up in our soul, affect our health, finances, and every area of our lives. Katie uses scripture to explain what happened to people in the bible, like King Hezekiah, when they looked to anything but God for provision and protection.
In this teaching:
- Your eyes will be opened to how many idols we actually have in our souls that are destroying our lives. Idols can be food, money, our children, and anything that is keeping our focus on it instead of God as our source and comfort.
- Katie shows you scripturally how idols attach to your soul and how they are trying to stop you from operating in your supernatural gifts. Getting healed of these idols is one of the biggest ways to walk in the supernatural.
- Learn how idols cause sickness and disease and even rob you of financial increase.
- Katie gives you the keys to healing your mind, body, and relationships, including a teaching on how communion heals idols in your soul.
- You will learn steps to ensuring all of your prophetic words come to pass and that as the idols are removed from your soul, your finances will shift, causing the enemy to stop devouring your treasuries.
- You will learn that it is not necessary to know the name of every idol in your life, but how to remove the strongman (his name is revealed in Scripture) over them all so that you can get fast, easy breakthrough.
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