Perfect Love

Dear Kate, I just finished your book on Soul Decrees. It has greatly impacted my life and walk with God as He continues to heal my soul. I’ve walked with the Lord for 45 years and love His Word. I can’t do without Him. I was saved at 10 years old but having been raised Catholic, never learned how to have a relationship with Him although I always desired to growing up. Learning to trust His Love for me was my greatest challenge in life so as I did all the repentance and cleansing of my bloodline from the beginning and the decrees, which I actually felt taking place, He showed me something so simple again but sooooo profound. What the Lord showed me from Soul Decrees is …”as Jesus is, so am I in this world.” “Perfect love cast out fear. His Love is not perfect in the person who fears! = Faith…to trust, wait, hope, believe, see…thus, from glory to glory! …we are changed/transformed into His likeness in this world. I can relax, “Perfect Love” lives in me! His perfect Love IS DUNAMIS! (My ongoing fear has been lack of personal significance and provision for me at a very deep level of my soul.) I’ve had faith in who He is, His Godhood, since I was a child but understanding His Dunamis Love inside me to release to myself and others was not grasped until now! Thank you for your love and faithfulness, and many blessings. Christ Follower, Yeshua is His name!  -A. R.

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