I was at the meeting in NYC for 3 days and on one of the session there was a breakthrough angel that broke through the ceiling. Well, I went to a meeting last night and the pastor felt like break through was in that meeting. Then in church today, the pastor asked if anyone wanted to receive Jesus, some people stood up and he moved forward. Then he stopped and said that Holy Spirit said there was one more. We started praying and pressing in. I asked the break through angel to come as soon as I finished asking a man stood up then a couple more stood up. I’m believing that the break through angel, since I was in that meeting, that I can call on the break through angel that harkens to the word of God. I’m so grateful for being in that meeting and all the meetings. I’ve never left with such a tangible gift of God, for God’s glory!! I’ve always heard of impartation (in my 4 years of Christianity), I’m just so grateful for Katie Souza pressing in and never stopping till break through happened and paving a way… Glory to God!! SO grateful to this ministry for the mantel it carries and the tangible, not talk, but sound teaching that helps people break through!!! Bless you guys, on earth as it is in heaven 🙂 -A. T.