I was checking my junk email one day and for some reason the Lord told me to open a name that I thought I knew and low and behold your ministry popped up. I said to my husband, “hey we should listen to this message and I remembered it from listening when you were on Patricia King so for the last 6 days we listened and prayed all of the segments and we had so much release from the “Demonic Kings” I was healed from the chatter in my head, also arthritis pain, and my husband’s eyes are clear, partial circulation in his legs. We really need to press in more because after the 7th day we got a serious attack in our relationship with fighting but we are strong and realized it was an attack. I need a full healing from rheumatoid arthritis and my husband from diabetes. I would like to know more about scorpions because one time the attack felt like a sting and paralyzed me. It left but it was nasty. We also have started to minister on the reservations First Nations people close to home. This is such a useful tool for our people. We are called to build bridges with the First Nations spiritual tradition and to the Native Christians. We really need your prayers as we go into regions because last time we really got slaughtered by a gang of drug demons that are present over all reservations in Saskatchewan at this time. Love you keep doing Kingdom work, you are a blessing to the Body of Christ. Yeshua loves you! -R. B.