Healed from trauma

For YEARS I have experienced DEEEEP Hurt and Pain from childhood trauma and life circumstances and I didn’t know how to get rid of it, I just lived with the pain UNTIL I came across Katie Souza on Youtube. I started to apply the blood of Jesus, The Dunamis Power and the Glory LIght night after night and God gave me a dream. I came out of a room which was full of light, I walked into the living room with open space to the kitchen, etc and everything was old, worn and rotten wood. I walked over to the double door fridge and looked at the bottom and it has begun to rust, but I questioned to myself how can this be – this is brand new fridge how can this be rusted already. I realized God was showing me the condition of my soul and it was NOT good. The dream ended. I continued to apply the blood, the dunamis power from the resurrection and the glory light. A few weeks later God gave me a similar dream where I came out of the same room, filled with light and walked into the living room are again. it was still old, rotten wood and grey BUT as I walked toward the front door, I could see that the top of the front door had started to become transformed, for the top of the front door was brand new wood and it was a beautiful lilac purple! It was being renewed…. and I knew then that this what Katie was teaching was indeed true – I was being renewed in my soul. Now every time I get that ‘soul ache’ I know what to do. My soul was in a BAAAAD condition, so I know it won’t be an overnight thing BUT at least now I know the journey has started and it IS working….to God be the GLORY!!!

  • L.B.

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