Hi Katie, I want to thank our Lord God Jesus for my healing of pain and numbness after healing the idols in the court soak. Your ministry work is a lifeline that constantly heals and recharges me [...]
Satan is constantly in the Court of Heaven accusing us. In Revelation 12:10, he’s called “the accuser of the brethren”, and the word accuser is ‘categoro’ which means to accuse and make an [...]
While We Wait We all love times of prophetic fulfillment, don’t we? We love to see our promises come to pass, but there is a “process of time” before the promise and that means we have to wait [...]
Victorious Living- We are made for worship! True worship. From the beginning, the enemy has worked to pollute pure worship with idolatry, and his tactics really haven’t changed much, have they? [...]
The Question of Comfort Why do we even turn to idols? Usually we end up there because we are seeking comfort, trying to meet a right need in a wrong way. Think about it! We bow to idols because [...]
A Divided Heart Leads To Spiritual Robbery God desires and requires our whole-hearted devotion—no idols and no other loves. Having a divided heart will affect you in distinct ways, robbing you of [...]
No Other Loves In this blog series we are talking about removing idols and their effects from our lives in order to live victoriously. Last week I discussed with you what idolatry actually looks [...]
Who Will Get Your Worship? Many Christians don’t see or understand idolatry in our modern culture because our idols are a bit more “sophisticated” than those of Bible times. Idol worship is [...]