Mysteries and Secrets

Lesson 21 I teach about Legion to get people’s faith up. I use the ice and hail in my meetings and people don’t even realize it. As I’m teaching, people begin to understand, “Oh wow. [...]

Breakthrough Activation

Lesson 20 We’re going to do what we like to call a super soak. Soaking will help you press into your healing. Spending time in the presence of Jesus, soaking your soul and identifying the [...]

Overcoming Discouragement

Lesson 19 Are you worn out and wounded by never ending storms? Is something hindering you from your destination? For more than a decade, I have studied the supernatural secrets hidden in the [...]

Snow and Hail

Lesson 18 I’m going to share with you secret strategies, that I’ve received from the Holy Spirit, on how to deal with Legion. I’ve been using these strategies behind the scenes, [...]

Communion Activation

Lesson 17 Now, I’d like for you to take communion as I activate. So, you may want to pause right now and go get lots of communion supplies – a big hunk of bread or some crackers and grape juice. [...]


Lesson 16 Some of the key strategies of the Lord that I use to get healed of the spirit of legion are the blood of Jesus and dunamis power. I also use communion to get healed, in my inner man, of [...]

Get Your Peace Back

Lesson 15 If you’re not at peace and sleeping through the storm, then you’re allowing a demon to create a storm to ruin your life, and that’s not OK! There Jesus was asleep in the bow [...]

Sleeping Through the Chaos

Lesson 14 When I was in the middle of the storm of losing my dad, I was tempted to ask, “God, are you trying to punish me for some reason?” We’ve all had these thoughts, “God’s punishing me [...]

Stop the Storms

lesson 13 According to Mark 5, Legion is the most talkative spirit in the New Testament. He said things like, “What have You to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God,” “What is there in [...]

Taking on Life’s Storms

Lesson 12 I have been sharing about the storm I went through when my father died. So, after the doctors finally got dad’s infection under control, he was sent to yet another rehab. I realized I [...]