Breakthrough Activation

Lesson 20

We’re going to do what we like to call a super soak. Soaking will help you press into your healing. Spending time in the presence of Jesus, soaking your soul and identifying the root of the problem, can lead to your breakthrough.

Let’s review how to get the soul healed, because we’re going to move into this revelation. Jesus used both the cross and the resurrection to defeat the enemy. We have leaned heavily into the cross as our battle weapon to defeat Satan and all the hordes underneath him, and we need to do that because, as it says in Colossians, Jesus made a public spectacle of the enemy at the cross.

When Jesus shed His blood, power was released to stomp and tromp on Satan. In the case of Legion, that man was dwelling among the tombs. So, we have to start with applying the blood because there are many things that have happened to us in our past that we dwell on.

Maybe horrible trials from your past or current challenges over relationships, finances, health, and even your dreams have caused you to be very discouraged. Those things can cause deep pain and wounds.

We have to start with the blood in order to get those wounds healed that came from those incidences – from those painful circumstances. We need to repent for things that we’ve done, and forgive people that have done things to us.

Let’s activate. Let’s get rid of the sin first, and then we’re going to work on the wound.

Say, “Lord Jesus, I repent for letting myself get much discouraged because of the way. I know that there have been trials, temptations, and circumstances. I know you’re aware of it, but I also know that I’m supposed to rejoice in all things.

I’m not to allow my soul to get “much discouraged because of the way”, so I repent for allowing myself to get wounded from all of the things I’ve been through. I repent for complaining about situations and circumstances.

I want to rejoice in all things. I want to believe and have faith. I don’t want to complain against you, against any leadership, or be offended.

I want to be fruitful even in the hardest times, but I know I’ve fallen short. I’ve sinned and become much discouraged because of the way. Wash away my sin right now, Lord. I repent for any sin that’s allowed my soul to get wounded. Wash me, cleanse me by your blood, in the name of Jesus.

I ask that you wash away every sin that has wounded my soul from either trials and temptations or from me letting myself become offended. I receive Your blood.”

Now, we have to get rid of the wound, where we’ve been dwelling among the tombs. Put your hand on your belly. Say, “Lord, I’m not going to dwell among the tombs anymore. I’m not going to have anything in common with legion.

“I decree right now that my soul is being healed. I am looking at Jesus upon the cross. I’m beholding Him and I’m going to live. I’m beholding Him and I’m going to live. I’m going to live on to prosper – to prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers. I’m filled with Jesus, with the power of the resurrection.

I have it in me right now. It is healing every wound, everything that is allowing Legion to attack me, everything in common with Sihon and Og (the demonic kings over Legion). I’m being healed right now by dunamis power.

I’m excellent by the power of the blood and the power of the resurrection. I’m excellent of soul.”

Now, I command mind chatter to stop. I bind the spirit of suicide and I command that spirit that causes people to beat and bruise and cut themselves, you leave now. I command all bacteria and viruses to die. I say, be healed now. In Jesus’ name!

Now, I want you to check yourself. We’ve noticed over the years that sometimes when people get free of Legion, they experience an unusual sign that accompanies the deliverance (which is water coming out of their eyes, nose, or ears).

If you experienced something like that, you can be encouraged that you have been delivered of Legion. These types of signs give people a lot of faith that they’ve had a real breakthrough. If you didn’t experience the sign, don’t fret.

Many people get healed of Legion and never feel a thing, except later on they discover that they’ve been freed up in their mind, their emotions, and their physical body.

The next thing I want you to do is to follow up and follow through! If you feel like you need to, spend some more time just soaking in the presence of Jesus. Keep unlocking your breakthrough and make sure you have reserved your FREE seat for the FREE Class on November 28.

We are going to focus on breaking and overcoming discouragement, disappointment, and shame. I’m also including a FREE workbook. Already reserved your seat? Share this with a friend! You can check out all the details at

From all of us here at Katie Souza Ministries, we bless you, and pray you have a very Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be grateful for.

Big Love,

Have you been blessed by this ministry? If so, consider Partnering with us or making a One Time Gift! I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers!

Showing 10 comments
  • marlene mayoh

    Very good.Love and blessings

  • Maribel Ay

    Katie. I have been following you on the computer. I believe in miracles. I have being putting in practice the excellence of soul. I and in desperate need of a financial miracle. Please pray for my husband and I. I give our 10 percent of our income to other churches. Hopefully we do not lose our house. I also need to be healed from my thiyroid, I wish not to take medication for osteoporosis, and I wish my teeth enamel come back so I do not lose them, and I also need my 3 teenagers to talk back at me, actually now they are now young adults. I have forgiven, I demand snakes to come out of me, I listen into the soaking, I put Deuteronomyu 1:11 all night long. Please help in any kind if you can.

  • Molins

    Thank you so much Katie. I give Glory to Jesus for you and your ministry. I have prayed. I am just normal after prayer but I believe that there is always one chance and have hope in Jesus.
    I am very much thankful to you and your ministry. I hope I can attend online class on 28th.
    My request is to you please remember me and my family in your prayers sometimes.
    Thank you again for your support and love.
    With love bother Molins.

  • Pat

    May God bless you servant of the most high God!

  • patricia hunter

    Wow thank you katie .When i was reading your testimony ,and listening to your teaching , it has shown me the great love God has for all people , no matter what they have done , or still doing . through your testimony, and teachings thousands of people have been set free , i want to thank you because i am one of them who has now have a better understanding of why things happen in our lives ,and as i pray about the things in my life from what you teach i am being set free , Thank you for the time and sacrifice of your own time to help us get set free . Thank you father for giving Katie such a wonder mantle to give to your people , so we can grow and help others also. God bless you and your team xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Carmen Ballman


  • Assunta

    Thank you Katie. Expecting a miracle from God after all the activation..

  • Cleopatra Zondo

    Thank You for your support Katie.since You prayed and declared healing on me I am healed although sometimes I feel attacks and if zi check for any sin that cause the attack I dont find i

  • Donna Nelson

    Donna Nelson
    Katie you are a marvelous!!! Can’t thank you enough for your teachings. Dutch Sheets says about his brother Tim, “to be a good teacher, you have to be a good student.”
    Wow it is true. I don’t have a website.
    Love, Blessings & Shalom

  • Natalie Avila

    Make the Lord BLESS YOU and KEEP YOU..HIS Face is shining upon you. With tears in my eyes, Thank YOU Katie Souza.