Hi, Just returned back from the San Francisco event. It was so amazing. Anyway, Last night when we were at the airport flying home to Chicago the coolest thing happened. This is an awesome story that u will like. Without a doubt whenever I go through security at the airport I get stopped and have to go to the side. So this time I was extra careful and had nothing that would get me pulled over to the side… So of course my suitcase is on the belt thing and the security Guy says “is this yours” I said yes, he said come with me.. So I did and he opened up my suitcase and asked if there was any liquids, sharp or fragile objects, I said no. He searched my suitcase and took out my bible, I said are you seriously checking my bible, he said yes it’s setting off the alarm and he shrugged his shoulders. He put the suitcase through without the bible and it went through. Then he came back to me and I said “really my bible set it off” and he tried not to smile and said yes but I don’t know why, I said I do, it’s because it’s a weapon!! He again tried not to smile and said sorry about the inconvenience, I said it was an honor. How cool is that!! Thanks for an AWESOME conference. The POWER is obviously flowing for sure!” -Barbara