Are You Dwelling Among the Tombs?

Lesson 4

The Spirit of Legion (6000 strong) is causing sickness, viruses, bacterial diseases, and every kind of disorder. I had the serious disease, Lupus, and it came from Legion.

The following people received healing when Legion was kicked off: a man we ministered to in prison was healed of diverticulitis. A professional speaker got healed of shingles when she walked into a meeting. One man had been flipped onto a truck hood and, from that moment on, had neurological damage that could not be diagnosed. He had pain shooting up and down his back and legs. Whenever he bent over, his airway would be cut off. When Legion came off, he was completely healed! He was jumping up and down, bending over, and spinning around! Also, a woman was healed who, for ten years, had swollen legs from edema.. During the meeting, she felt the water rush out of her legs, and they haven’t been swollen since!

I was very sick in one of my meetings – sweating , runny nose, and sore throat. Everyone at the meeting was sick with the same symptoms! I knew it was Legion, but I didn’t want to scare anybody. So, I thought, “I’m just going to pray for everybody, and believe for the best.” It didn’t go well. Everybody was worse by the time I was done. I had them all lined up, and I muttered with my sore throat, “I command that to be healed in Jesus’ name.” They just looked at me with fevered eyes and mumbled, “Okay, thanks a lot.” No, it didn’t go well at all.

I was dreading the next session. After lunch, two women came running up to me, “Katie, you’re not going to believe this! We were recording you when you were praying over everyone and we heard a bunch of hogs grunting and groaning in the background when we listened to it play back!” One of their husbands had walked in while they were playing it and said, “What’s that? It sounds like a bunch of pigs.” Now, I had not told anyone that we were dealing with Legion!

Legion is a monster, and he spreads like the plague. Think about it, in Mark 5, he went from being in the demoniac, to the pigs, to the water. This thing can jump! He can jump from a person, to a location, to the next person, and the next location, on and on…spreading disease as he goes. That’s how the flu spreads. From one wounded soul to another!

If your soul is healed of all the stuff that comes with Legion, you aren’t going to get sick, even if you are standing right in the middle of the outbreak! He can only land on people that have something in common with him. That’s when he has power over them.

Remember what Legion said to Jesus? “Oh Jesus, what is there in common between us? I solemnly implore you, do not begin to torment me” Mark 5:7 (KJV). That is the key. Do not have anything in your soul that’s in common with him, then he will not be able to torment you.

Three times in Mark 5 (KJV), it says the demoniac was “dwelling among the tombs.” In verse 2, “And when he was came out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with unclean spirit;” verse 3 “Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not even with chains.” Verse 5, “And always, night and day, he was in the mountains and in the tombs…” When the Bible says something three times in one story, you should pay attention to it! God is trying to tell you something.

What does the word “tombs” mean? According to the Strong’s G3420, tombs means: “any visible object for preserving or recalling the memory of a person or a thing.” Tombs are like soul wounds. Wounds in your soul came from traumatic events you went through, from a sin that you lived through, or from someone sinning against you. That tomb makes you remember that trauma or thing that you went through. You replay what happened over and over again in your mind. You relive the horror and the pain of that incident. You get emotional about it. Perhaps someone sinned against you by saying hurtful words or physically assaulted or molested you. Now, there is a wound on your soul that is like a tombstone.

At a graveyard, we sit in front of a tombstone, replaying the events of that person’s life in our minds. That tombstone was set up to preserve a memory of them and their life. That’s what a wound is like inside of you. It preserves and replays the memory of all the bad stuff that’s happened in your life. You’ll know if you’re dwelling among the tombs like the demoniac, because you’ll find yourself going to the graveyard, and sitting in front of that tombstone, grieving, lamenting and having pain and anxiety as you think about the memory that tomb represents.

Next time I will explain how Jesus healed the demoniac of Legion and how you can have freedom from those tombstones in your soul!

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Showing 10 comments
  • Holly Whitten

    Hi Katie, Thank you so much for this teaching on dwelling among among the tombs. I believe that is my issue. I thought that I had dealtwith all my issues but I realize I surely haven’t. Thank you for bringing this to my awareness. All praises to our almighty God and Father.

  • David Mengual

    Great writings! I was in prison 2013-2015 & on the run 12-15. I ask youll to pray for my children to stay well & to be back in their dads life. Ellah DAE Mengual, David Thomas Mengual Junior, Alecza Mengual, and Grace Lynn Gaskins…… all my children. 8509000768

  • Crystal

    God is so good I was listening to Healing clinics cd in my car and it talked about this article! It was around the same time this morning. I felt the power come on me so strong and felt so healed emotionally. I can’t wait to listen to the rest of the cds it is setting me free so much.

  • Marie Morgan

    Please can you help my Son Tony Karen who is in Jail in Virginia Middle River Regional Jail Stanton, Virginia? Thank you so much.

  • Christi

    Thank you for sharing on topics that most avoid. I have recently been healed from Lyme disease. I had a hard time believing in Satan until I was on my floor thinking I was about to die. It was at that moment when I was feeling like these were going to be my last on earth that a presence hovered over me and told me that His didn’t love our care about me. I told the presence to go back to hell, that my body mind and soul belonged to God. The dark force was gone. A new voice spoke to me telling me I was healed and to stand and walk. I’ve been fantastic since that moment. I also did your DNA healing and huge things have happened and are continuing to happen, Please add your prayers as alcoholism has a strong hold over most of my family.

  • Dan

    God once spoke to me prophetically asking: “why do I continue to dwell among the tombstones”. Now I understand. You see, I have been reliving my past remembing all of my pain since childhood. Now, at 65, I have accumulated a suitcase full of journals and files full of notes. I should just burn it all. Your message is 100 percent accurate and truthful. If this relates to anyone out there. Take this very seriously.

  • Pat orr

    T.y. Katie. For ur faithfulness to us peeps. God continue to bless u mightily. P.o.

  • Sandra Good

    At tthe age of 69, I was healed from the fear of needles. At 18 months of age, I was hospitalized for a bacterial infection. I was having antibiotics administered by injections every 4 hours. There were no oral antibiotics at this time.
    Recently, I was encouraged, by my husband, to have an injection in my back while I was awake. Previous injections were administered under anesthesia. After having the back injection, I realized the Dr. was finished and I didn’t feel any discomfort during the procedure. I started feeling ashamed that I had insisted I have anesthesia before the other back injections. My husband said, “Don’t look at yourself as a failure, but as a victor over the spirit of fear”! WOW!!! Praise God, I am free from the spirit of fear of having injections!!

  • Louise haumann

    Your teachings are so relevant & amazing Katie. One does not know about all of these things being connected; emotions, hurts, diseases & the enemy of Legion being behind it all.
    I’ve had this verdigo attack twice now, high blood pressure, high cholesterol too, hypertension,& migraine headaches starting with tension headaches.
    I need help & freedom & also want to help others especially in my family.
    Thank you so much for revealing the dark works of the enemy from the WORD OF GOD.