I am all In!!! Sign me up for your army! I just wanted to say thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit for allowing Him to use you as He did and does. What an awesome book! I have read hundreds of Christian books and non of them had the impact on me as yours did. R.T. Kendall, one of my favorite authors wrote a book titled “God Meant it for Good”, a great book but you took it to a whole new level. So practical, so clear and concise (line upon line). I am currently teaching a bible study class on Wednesday nights from the book of Acts but as soon as God allows – The Captivity Series will be taught! I am so excited! A breakthrough is coming for all of us. Thank you again for being such a blessing to the Body of Christ. I will remember you as I worship before Him. In His Grace!” Your Brother in Christ   -K.J.

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